Case Study: Pharmasim

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Slide #1: Introduction Hi, this report is presented by Group A, the report is presented by Oluwagbenga Michael Afolabi, William Albanese, Alexander Bailey, and Michael Rudman. Slide #2: Pharmasim Overview The focus of this presentation is to familiarize the audience on the strategy employed as the brand management group at over-the-counter medicine of Allstar corporation. "Allstar brand is one of the leading manufacturers of packaged goods in the world", and makers of the Allround over-the-counter medicine. The Allround product line includes the Allround cold medication, the Allround+, and the Allright. However, before the introduction of the line extensions Allround+ and Allright, the Allround cold medicine was the company's Cash Cow.…show more content…
Therefore, we decided to adopt a competitive pricing by pegging the MSRP at $5.30 which was a one percent increase to account for and below our close competitor in the period #1. Further, we analyzed the consumer perception of our brand to determine a visible pricing policy and sustain a steady growth also, provide value to consumers. Our analysis of competitors and other market forces allowed us to systematically increase the products price per demand and inflation. Therefore, at the end of period #8, our final MSRP for Allround was fixed at $5.65, Allround+ at 5.25, and Allright at 5.65. Albeit, providing a superior and effective product, we further decided to adopt a penetration pricing strategy to ensure our price stays below that of our immediate competitor in all the product lines, especially in the line…show more content…
Also, $2 Million was dedicated to Allround+ and Allright trial sizes and $2.5 Million to Coupons respectively. The investment in Coupon and Trial sizes during this period led to a substantial increase in brand awareness, particularly in the lines extensions and an increase in sales. Slide #8: Sales Force Allocation Our sales force was realigned based on channels sales and market report, hence, more sales force was allocated to Grocery Stores since it contributed 39.9% of overall market sales of cold remedy, 33.1% of Cough remedy, and 35.7% of Allergy remedy. Detailers were also increased to push the product line via Physician/Pharmacist referrals. We also increased Merchandisers to focus on in-store promotions and shelf space and lastly, by properly allocating our sales force, we saved the fixed cost of training and salaries hiring a new sales

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