English Language In Advertising

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Peculiar from Advertising The structure of English language in advertising of the Yemeni print media has a peculiar form. Many factors predispose the copywriter (i.e. one who writes advertisements) to choose his vocabulary. This, in some sense, implies that the copywriter does not have a free flow of lexical items. For example the copywriter puts into consideration the language variation as regards the target audience. He also ensures that his choice of language and content meets the four basic characteristics outlined by Leech (1966:25) as necessary for successful advertising. These are: 1. Attention value: this refers to the unorthodox use of language to provoke the consumer’s attention and curiosity by presenting something surprising and…show more content…
Readability: the copywriter must make his message easy to grasp and assimilate. 3. Memorability: an advertisement gains nothing unless the name of the product is remembered. In fact, it is desirable that part of the linguistic message should be memorized. This includes brand names, slogans, key phrases, snatches of song, etc. 4. Selling power: one of the most striking features of the grammar of advertising is an extreme infrequency of imperative clauses, etc. 3.3.1. Acronyms in Advertising This is a kind of shortening device whereby the first letter of several words are picked out and pronounced together to derive a new word. It has now become a part of the English lexicon and refers to a word derived from the combination of the first letters of several words together and pronounced as one. For example in the Yemeni newspaper ‘The Yemen Times in (December -8- 2013) Yemen: New member of WTO expert debate long –term effects. The acronym WTO which is the abbreviation of ‘world trade organization.’ Another example of acronym which you find in most of markets, BOGOF which is an acronym for: Buy One, Get One Free. On the other hand, acronym is more occurring at the head lines of the newspapers than the advertisement. According to the encyclopaedia of Wikipedia…show more content…
In advertising, words may or may not necessarily be strung together in the conventional manner of sentence formation. But even when constructions do not follow the normal convention, they are nevertheless, couched in such a way as to adequately make the point intended by the advertiser. In adds that emphasize the quality of the advertised product, the syntactic structure places emphasis on adjectives (and adverbs) and some of such sentences may not feature any verb at all. As such, they may not be amenable to analysis within the usual SVO structure. From the foregoing, we may classify the sentence structures in magazines and newspapers advertising as follow: Emphatic sentences, interrogative sentences, deviant structures and deictic constructions. We should also point out that for the purpose of our analysis here we are using the word sentence in a very loose sense and that some of our sentences may not be sentences after all in the strict conventional sense. All of this is contributed to the important specialty of advertising English, which is short sentence. For

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