Islamic Advertising Assignment

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THE ISLAMIC EMBRACE OF ADVERTISING: A STUDY OF TV ADVERTISING FRAMEWORKS OF SELECTED OIC COUNTRIES USING THE HIERARCHY OF INFLUENCES MODEL by, Dr. Aida Mokhtar, Dr. Selvarajah Tharmalingam, and, Dr. Sofiah Samsudin International Islamic University Malaysia INTRODUCTION When Islam and life are intertwined for Muslims who are guided by the Islamic principle ‘enjoining good and forbidding evil’, the inculcation of Islamic values in the production of advertising messages for the Muslim audience is crucial. Previous studies have not looked at the factors influencing advertising messages produced by Muslim countries. Of interest to the study are selected countries that are members of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) serving as a collective…show more content…
Eight in-depth interviews were conducted on selected OIC representatives in Malaysia (Somalia, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Maldives, Turkey, Palestine, Tajikistan and Indonesia) that spoke on the economic, political scenario, mass media development, television advertising regulations and Islamic advertising in their countries. The data is examined in accordance with Fairclough’s (1995) three-dimensional framework. This framework explores the linkages between discourse, ideology and power which are implicit to the representatives. Fairclough stresses that discourse practice concurrently includes: (i) social identities, (ii) social relations and (iii) systems of knowledge and belief - though with different degrees of salience in different cases (p. 133). The analysis of the study is concerned with the aspects of text production and interpretation. Hence, this study includes the detailed explication of how the stakeholders produce and interpret texts. The analysis focuses on the relationship of the discursive event, and upon which the discursive practices are being drawn upon and in what combinations (Fairclough, 1995:134) in relation to the model. The Islamic perspective is an important part of the research study in the endeavour to understand the concept of Islamic advertising in terms of its influencers and interpretation. The Qur’an and Sunnah will be referred to for the Islamic principles. The three-dimensional framework looks at…show more content…
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