Role Of Language In Advertising

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study is to focus on the change brought about in the structure of the adds due to the influence of English language. 1.5. The Distinctive Aspects of the Present Study: The study of the language of advertising is not a new phenomenon. However, the present study is distinctive and contributory in certain ways. It aims to present characteristics of the language used in commercial advertising in Yemeni print media and to find out how language is used to work in these advertisements. In order to do so, for the sake of clarity, discussion of basic linguistic concepts, like word, phrase clause sentence and meaning have been introduced. It is the first study in advertising in Yemeni print media. Figure No. 1 Components of Media Table:…show more content…
Language, molded in various forms for successful communicative purpose, is a continuous attraction, we study language scientifically. Stylistic studies have certain aspect of language variations. This is stylistic approach, which aims to study the features of advertising language in as much details as possible. 1- Advertising is as ubiquitous as the air we breathe; it survives with the morning newspapers. It interrupts the T.V program. It encroaches our ears as we switch on the radio. The posters and neon sign hanging down the tall building thrust in our eyes, when we step outside the house. Anything that we buy covers the product package. Neither blind, nor a deaf can escape the invasion of advertisement in our life. 2- The main reason to choose this topic is interesting of researcher in English language and advertising and the linguistic part. The study is exploration, descriptive, as well as analytical. The aim of this research is to determine the use component of linguistic used in advertising, even in relation to product specialization. It is concerned with the style of language in advertising. One of the main concerns of the study is to focus on the changes brought about in the structure of the advertisement due to the influence of English language. The current study aims to investigate, explore, and analyze the use of English language in advertising. The study aims at linguistic means used in…show more content…
1.8. Hypothesis and Question of the Research It is hypothesized that: Advertising is an act of creative and hence requires the qualities of how and heart in forming content and language. The following assumptions are made to precede the research in right direction: Because of observation of the research samples such as newspapers, magazines, the researcher supposes that: 1. The most widely used sentence type is the imperative and declarative sentence than interrogative sentence. 2. The majority of verbs are finite and non-finite rather than auxiliary verb. 3. The majority of adjectives used in advertisements are in positive degree rather than comparative and superlative degree. 4. The language of advertisement uses metaphors more than exclamation and
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