Consumer Behavior Case Study

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Abstract Consumer Behavior is a process which an individual able to select, buy, use and perceive the quality of the goods and services. The quality of the goods and services will affect the satisfaction of their needs and wants. Consumer Behavior also seen as the action that will be taken and they motives of the actions in the marketplace. However, consumer behavior play an important role in the current society as it able to let people understand their actual motives of consuming an item. Some researchers mentioned that there are factors including lifestyle, personality and economic will affect their consumer behavior. University Students can be seen as one of the important and potential group to the marketers. Undergraduates should understand…show more content…
For marketers, they will differentiate their consumers into number of categories included age, gender, occupations and more (Solomon, 2013). Consumer Behavior occurred when an individual involved in a process which required to select, purchase, use or dispose the goods and services to satisfy needs and desires (Solomon, 2013). Moreover, Schiffman & Kanuk, 2010 refer consumer behavior as it includes the elements of patterns, evaluating and disposing of products and services. From the perspectives of (Solomon, Bamossy and Askegaard, 1999), consumer behavior had changed a lot throughout the time. There are number of scientists mentioned that factors such as culture, sub-culture, social class, influence groups, family and households will affect consumer behavior (Stanton, Etzel and Walker, 1991). In addition, Kotler added that cultural factors will also include as one of the factors. As personal factors, they might affected in making purchase decision due to age, sex, place of domicile and more (Horska, Sparke, 20017). Moreover, psychological factors which will refer to motivation, perception, personality and style of life of an individual according to Brown. On the other hand, there are situational factors which have been categorized as one of the factors too. It referring to the social environment, physical environment of the purchase location and time consideration (Berkowitz, 1992;…show more content…
Globalization has successfully bring the consumer behavior into the Internet (Sriwardiningsih, Hindarwati, Harlianto, & Aritonang, 2016). At the same time, if the customer wants able to meet the customer needs, it can be considered as successful approach. Besides, the high customer satisfaction will lead them to repeat (Sheth & Parvatiyar, 1995; Kotler & Armstrong, 2012). According to Donovan and Rossiter (1982), store environment have a strong relationship with consumer behavior as store environment able to affect someone’s emotion whether they purchase

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