Organic Gardening Theory

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Slide 8 Another theory that can explain behaviors of consumers as they are related to the gardening industry is that of The Theory of Planned Behavior The Theory of Reasoned Action and the Theory of Planned Behavior are definitely related (Azjen, 1991). The difference between the two theories is that, for The Theory of Planned Behavior to be activated, not only must intent be in place, but there must also be control over the intended behavior (Azjen, 1999). In other words, the actual use of this theory in motivating the consumer is dependent upon time, money, skills, and the cooperation of others (Ajzen, 1991). What this means is that the degree to which the individual has the necessary resources will determine whether an individual carries…show more content…
The number may be higher in Cuyahoga Falls, as 30.4% of residents of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio have a Bachelor’s degree or higher compared with 25.2% of Ohioans (U.S. Census Bureau, 2013). The reason that there is a higher than average number of college graduates in Cuyahoga Falls is due to the fact that there are two major universities within a 10 mile radius of the city. With regard to cooperation, Stone’s Garden Center has an expert in organic gardening on its staff that has created a successful organic garden that produced high quality vegetables that were well above average in size, variety, and taste and she can teach others to do the same. This is where the cooperation factor comes into play in making these projects possible for the consumer and in increasing market share for the garden center. In fact, she might also be an excellent presenter as part of the proposed educational program for customers of the garden…show more content…
A study found that positive emotions were associated with the purchase of organic products by consumers (Laros & Steenkamp, 2005). What this means is that, in comparison with genetically modified products, consumers were less fearful and happier buying organic products that participated in this study (Laros & Steenkamp, 2005). Joy and surprise were listed as two of the positive emotions that consumers tend to experience when they are happy with the choices provided by a given retailer regarding product selections (Laros & Steenkam, 2005). Persons of all income levels participated in the study, and 53.6% were women, 58.3% were responsible for doing the family’s shopping, and 69.1% were the main wage earner of the household, which typically consisted of 2.39 persons (Laros & Steenkamp, 2005). The average age of study participants was 48, but participants ranged in age from 16 to 91 with a fairly normal distribution of ages (Laros & Steenkamp, 2005). What this means is that the use of organic products is not always age and income dependent, and that persons of all ages and income levels are likely to purchase organic products to some

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