Impulse Buying Case Study

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1.1 Definition of Impulse buying Impulse buying is a process of purchasing a merchandize without any preliminary intention of buying it before entering the store. In other words, any kind of purchase that was not purpose of visiting store can be considered as an impulse buying. At first, definition looks quite straightforward, though it has been evolving and improving during past 60 years. The concept of impulse buying became a subject of interest of different scholars in late 50-ies. At first, term “unplanned purchase” was used by researchers widely. (Clover, 1950) Though, later on two terms interchanged each other, which created controversy. Applebaum (1951) suggested that it is inaccurate to refer “Impulse Buying” and “Unplanned Purchase”…show more content…
These factors in some studies are referred as stimuli (Kotler 1974, Rook, 1987, Abratt, Goodey, 1990). Stimulus by its definition is something that incites a person to an action or reaction (Science dictionary, 2015). Researches identified number of different stimuli in their studies. Applebaum (1951) was the first, talking about promotional approaches in the store influencing and increasing impulsive behavior. Kotler (1974) gave priority to the atmospherics of the store. Bloch (1995) described impulsive buying as a result of hedonic instincts. Rook (1987) believed emotional cues were strong determinants for spontaneous purchase. Later studies draw our attention to sensory factors, namely scent, music, touch, taste. (Kaur, Singh…show more content…
Mass Distribution – number of products presented in the store serves as an encouraging factor for occurring impulse purchase. Thus, retailers should try to offer numerous productions and fill up their shelves in order to generate higher impulsive sales. 4. Self-service – appears to be more effective for unplanned buying than clerk-service operations. Reason for that can be shorter time for check out and greater freedom. 5. Mass advertising – plays important role for generating Reminder or Planned Impulse Buying. Exposing to the product reminds consumer about knowledge gained from advertising that drives them to purchase item. 6. Prominent Store Display – refers to the presentation of the product. As easily noticeable product is, as higher chances it has to be purchased. Attentions should be drawn to shelf position, in-store promotion and distinctive packaging. 7. Short Product Life – Perishable products are likely to be purchased more often, which increases probability of impulse buying from the consumer side. The fact that shopper purchases item frequently reduces her need to plan

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