Post Purchase Behaviour Case Study

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Consumer post purchase behaviour towards automobile user that is four wheeler. Post purchase behaviour is not only the study of what company offers to the buyer after the purchase, but also the study of what the consumer expects from the company. According to post purchase behaviour theory, there is a tendency for individuals to seek benefits for their purchase made. When any problem occurs, some change must be made in order to eliminate this problem. It is most likely that the company will change to accommodate the need. The objective of this study to know the post purchase behaviour of the customers, to ascertain the satisfaction level and its influencers, to measure the impact of sales in future , to suggest suitable recommendations for…show more content…
Usually, after making a purchase, consumers experience post- purchase dissonance. In other words, they regret their purchase decision. The reasons for high post-purchase dissonance can be attractiveness and performance of forgone alternatives, difficult purchase decision, large number of alternatives, etc,. A high level of post-purchase dissonance is negatively related to the level of satisfaction the consumer draws out of product usage. While experiencing post- purchase dissonance, consumers become acutely aware of the marketers' communication. To reduce post-purchase dissonance, consumers may sometimes even return or exchange the product. Marketers, therefore, can use these opportunities to reduce consumers' risk perception by way of good return/exchange policies and reduce their post-purchase dissonance by messages targeted at this segment of their consumers. Consumers’ store selection behavior depends on - store image despite post-purchase dissonance, many consumers proceed with consumption of the product. How consumers use the products is an important knowledge source for marketers, as they can offer better products and reach more consumers based on these consumer usage patterns. In some cases, however, consumers initially use the product but after a period of time fail to do so. Marketers, therefore, should not consider a product purchased as a product consumed.…show more content…
Reshma Nasreen (2014) has published an article entitled The Empirical Study of Relationship between Post Purchase Dissonance and Consumer Behavior. The main objective of the study is to know the relationship between post purchase dissonance and consumer behavior. significant association between authority to make decisions and post purchase Dissonance. The fear of being blamed in case of product’s faulty functioning often makes the customer fall prey to higher degrees of post purchase dissonance. The study also revealed that the impulse purchases create more dissonance as against the planned purchases. Dr.T.Vetrivel (2012) has published an article entitled on “Pre-Purchase and Post-Purchase Behaviour of Customers With Reference To Tvs Motors in Erode District, Tamilnadu”. The main objective of the research article was to- To study the pre-purchase and post-purchase behaviour of customers of TVS Motors in Erode District. To study the factors affecting the purchase behaviour of customers. TVS is one of the largest automobile industries in India. It has created a notable place in the minds of the people. Its growth has created a milestone changes in the preference for two

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