Nile River Case Study

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Introduction: The Nile River is the largest river in the world and is located in Africa. It is approaxametly 4,132 miles (6,650 kilometers). It starts in the southern part of Africa and generally flows northward to the Meditarianian Sea (Britanica; 2014. The Nile River). One of the rivers main sources comes from Lake Victoria which is located in Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya. The River flows through Kenya, Congo, Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia. Map of the Nile River : Diagram 1.1: Map of the Nile River Abiotic factors of the Nile River: • Non-living components of the biosphere are known as Abiotic factors. These Factors include temperature, salinity, light, nutrients, and depth. • Temperature: the Nile River's temperature averages from 105 to 117 degrees…show more content…
There are many varieties of fish found in the Nile River. Among these varies species the Nile Perch, Barbel, several species of catfish, the Elephant-snout fish, and the Tiger fish are some of the fish found in the river. The common eel and the spiny eel are usually found in Lake Victoria. Fish found in the Nile River: Nile Perch: The Nile Perch (Lates Niloticus) can grow up to 6 feet and weight in about 500 pounds. It is the giant that swims among the other fishes. Feeds on mostly smaller fishes and is found in the Nile, Chad, Senegal, Volta and Congo river basins. Hippopotamus: Hippopotamus amphibious, also one of the the most common and is now only found in the Al-Sudd to the south. Image 1.1 Nile

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