Benefits Of Design Thinking

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The emphasis of creative approach for organizations to resolve the crisis and develop the ability to do things efficiently by building creative thinking capability into an organization has paved way for the potential of design thinking. Design thinking is also used to uniquely identify or understand the issues which are ambiguous and not clear. This report aims to study how design thinking can have a positive impact on an organizations performance. Benefits of design thinking to organizations Design thinking is a creative steps taken for solving complex problems faced by organizations in today’s world. It helps organizations to view problems and its solution in a different perspective and build creative solutions by analysis and thus creates…show more content…
When a concept fails it is because of the lack of proper understanding of the problem. Design thinking can be used to resolve these issues by identifying the loop holes during the early stages in the process of problem solving (TD: Talent Development, 70(5), 22-24). In a design-centric firm employee can monitor what people want and need and develop strategy (Kolko, J. 2015). Design thinking provide standardized ways to find patterns and based on patterns guidelines are framed. Thus by using guidelines complex and ambiguous problems can be resolved. Design thinking provides value to the customer for the entire process cycle (Sato, S., Lucente, S., Meyer, D., & Mrazek, D.…show more content…
Prototypes and drawings create new perspective in the form of mind maps and thus helps in the process of finding the ideas faster (Brown, T. 2009). Rapid prototyping the new ideas can be the most cheaper way to test the potential of that idea. Looking at the issues that matter most to the customer and then engage employees to work around them is a way to embed design thinking into organization VESELY, R. (2017). Aravind Eye Hospital in India was founded by Dr. G. Venkataswamy. He surpassed complicated design problems to bring reachable medical care to poor people and to offer low-cost treatment with high quality. Incorporating design thinking helps to prepare for changing market conditions and innovate new products, success stories like Wikipedia shows evidence that people not only use it but also engage themselves in creating it (Brown, T.

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