Computer Games Case Study

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The purpose of the work is to identify the basic mechanisms regulating the market of computer games , explore , especially corporate image , positioning in the market , as well as the publisher’s relationship with the consumer . The second aim is the similarity search between computer games and other forms of art and the proof of this statement . I will look at unique features of creation of game products as well as manufacturers and their relationship with the public . Also I will analyse the main factors on shaping the attractiveness of the product to the target audience . To do so I will use the theoretical method such as case study which will allow me to examine issues such as cultural value of computer games , the mechanisms of the market…show more content…
At the end of the 40’s in US at the dawn of the computer era , which now has become almost a driving force in the evolution of human society , new versions of future gaming began to appear , which in fifty years may overtake the popularity of cinema and may become one of the most popular ways of entertainment among the youth . For a better understanding of the situation and mechanisms that take place in the gaming industry , it is necessary to disassemble the very history of game development . This will give an opportunity to understand and identify the conditions that have become major factors in the formation of methods for creating gaming products appealing as well as the gaming community…show more content…
The first games were there not for entertainment but more for educational purpose , since first computers were huge , expensive and mostly were used for education and research purposes. Computer games became a thing when first consoles and PCs gone to the masses and became more available to most people. Only after popularization of computer games they became commercial and now game development companies make massive profits . The very first semblance of computer game in the world was seen in 1942 but the main stage of the development comes down to 50-60 years of last century . These games were designed for scientific research and not for fun . But despite this , the games still became very popular among students and school visitors . For example , one of the games is Tennis for Two (analogue Ping Pong for 2 players) , created in 1958 by William Higingbotham. The next period of 1961-1970 years is notable for the game SpaceWar that was created for the computer PDP-1 and for the very first computer mouse prototype that was created by Douglas Engelbart . And the main time is 1980 , in this decade mankind took a huge step in development of computers and also they realised that making games is highly profitable . At this time PCs and video game consoles appeared and a prototype of the local network and the Internet . Players can therefore in companies via the network
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