Communication And Culture: The History Of Communication And Culture

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1. Literature Review 1.1. History of communication and culture The systematic study of communication is very old, and it started as the study of the most basic form of human communication: oral communication. Right from the beginning, the art of communication and persuasion was vital to those in power. During Antiquity, therefore, rhetoric – the study and art of eloquence – furnished in the Greek and Roman empires, in centers of learning such as Athens, Rome, Constantinople and Alexandria. In the European university system, the rhetoric tradition lived on through the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance and the Baroque periods of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Culture has its root in biology. Much of our social behavior – our culture…show more content…
Communication is one of the most pervasive, important and complex aspects of human life. Our daily life is strong affected by our own communication by others as well as by messages from people both living and dead, and communicators from far or near. Because communication is so vital in our life, surely it deserves our careful attention. Culture is the classification and the knowledge of a small group of individual known by everything from language, religion, cuisines and social life. Culture was stated as a “blueprint” by " (Folb, 1982), "road map" (Hall, 1976), "imprint" (Dodd, 1982) and even "collective unconscious" (Barnlund, 1982) As Harris and Moran stated, "Culture influences and is influenced by every facts of human activity" (1982, p. 63). Culture pull on perception provided hint on how message where formed and interpreted. Moreover, many intercultural beliefs stated, each culture had its own unique “world view” or means of making sense of the world. Culture is specially valued in guiding three critical factors in communication: • Verbal • Non-…show more content…
Universalism consist of the evident similarities shared by people whatever their culture whereas relativism represents the exclusive differences that distinguish one culture from another. The problem of ethnocentrism is that we view world’s culture from our own perspective. Ethnocentricity veils what an individual sees “unique” to one’s own culture as “universal”. Rather than viewing differences as impersonal factors, important judgements are made. As Daniels (1975) observed, when cultural differences are not seen as "different," they are seen as "right" and "wrong." One’s own perspective is to measure all human behavior. Undoubtedly, the other cultures
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