Theories Of Translation Studies

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By using the word “tradition”, the discussions described are confined within those appear before translation studies is considered an independent discipline. Translation studies as an academic discipline is rather late-born, but studies on translation has quite a long history in which discussions of translation ethics continue silently. Here in the literature review, only some representative cases are listed to illustrate that many discussions on translation in history are in their nature discussions of ethics. Preliminary discussion on translation dates back to a very early age, in both China and other parts of the globe. These discussions comprise an overall ethical tune within them, for a number of opinions focus on the issue of how translation…show more content…
The organisation model, although kept in use only for a short time in history, is not as primitive as one might have imagined. The model clearly allocates the responsibilities of those who participated in the practice according to participants’ competence and thus secures the quality of translation. By apportioning the obligations, it is actually a primitive model for professional translation practise, in which the ethics of professional translators is touched upon. In the early 19th century, discussions of translation are more culture-slanted, and a number of aspects regarding the social function of translation are included. Deeply influenced by the historic background, translation is treated then as an instrument of spreading foreign technology and political ideas. Many Chinese intellectuals are enthusiastic about foreign cultures, and considering absorbing them as a plausible method to save the nation from ruin. Translation herein plays an important role in bridging cultures. However, communication between Chinese culture and other cultures at that time is often one-directed, i.e., China imports culture through translation but seldom export. Since modern…show more content…
The traditional translation ethics of in western culture is tightly related to Bible translation. Bible translating is arguably the greatest interlingual communication in the history of the world. Major periods of Bible translation history also mark the change of Bible translation method. From the early age word for word translation to the later meaning before form translation, Bible translation has gradually retired from the sacred alter. Translations that are not strictly literal are gradually not considered unethical for revising “the word of the Lord”, but as inevitable products of producing a more linguistically acceptable translation. (Nida, 1998) The very nature of Bible links the translators responsibility to the religion and the translation of Bible is thus always concerned with the problem of ethical. Bible translators and their works are often faced with moral judgments, and the standard of judging are for the most of time religious-oriented. Later as continental countries the economic and cultural exchanges among countries increase, translation in mundane activities are granted with more varied purposes, which successively lead to the abruption of translation techniques. The need of communication overpowers the previous prevalent principle of word for word translation and diversifies translation methods, and translation is partially

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