Class Observation Analysis

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Summarization After talking to these students of different social and cultural background and after analyzing all the answers, I observed that a student’s background (parents, friends schooling etc.) plays a vital role in his/ her grasping of English language. I noted that those students, who were very confident while giving the answers and were speaking in English very fluently attended good schools. Their parents and teachers played a significant role in their acquisition of English language. Whereas those students who were not so good in speaking English had attended those schools which did not bother much about English language. The kind of environment a student is getting at home also affected his attitude towards the English language.…show more content…
One of the teachers had completed his PhD after doing his MPhil in English language, while the other teacher was pursuing her PhD after completing her MPhil. Whereas, VEC had 9 teachers in the Department of English. Out of nine teachers one teacher, who was also the Head of the department, had completed his PhD. Four teachers were still pursuing their PhD. The remaining four had done their masters in English followed by MPhil in English. All the teachers were well qualified to teach their respective subjects. I observed twenty different classes, seven from RBIENT and thirteen from Valliammai Engineering College. I also observed seven English teachers, two from RBIENT and five from VEC. The average number of students per class was 60 with minimum of 52 and maximum of 68. Observations were held in the CSE, IT, ECE, Civil and Mechanical…show more content…
In the class room, there were various students with different level of aptitude for English. Some students were very good in English language. Some were average while some were poor. In classes like CSE, ECE and IT the number of students with high levels of proficiency in English were more while in Civil and Mechanical there were less number of students with high level of English. It was observed that students who were not very good in English were little clueless when instructions were given in English. They had to take help of their fellow students to understand the instructions. b) Attitude of Students in class. Overall, it was observed that the students were active in the class. They were participating in the activities and were showing interest in teacher’s lecture. But, in Mechanical and Civil classes most of the students of were not much interested in the lecture. Most of the students had not brought their text books. Many students were found doing some other subject’s work in the class room. While most of the students from other branches like CSE, IT and ECE were taking active part in the discussion, the students from Mechanical and Civil seem to be disinterested in the

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