Political Perspectives In Civic Education

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“POLITICAL PERSPECTIVES” IN THE CLASSROOM - RESULTS OF VIDEO ANALYSIS IN HISTORY AND CIVIC EDUCATION Beatrice Buergler and Jan Hodel ABSTRACT: Civic education is not taught as a separate subject at Swiss schools. In this context, it is of great interest to look for specific characteristics of how civic education can be observed as a cross-disciplinary subject in schools through video recordings. The empirical analysis is based on classroom observation in ninth grade classes in various Swiss cantons (Aargau, Bern, and Zurich) from 2003 to 2007. Criteria that allow the identification of elements of civic education in various school subjects are developed, the concept of “political perspective”. The analysis provides useful hints for planning…show more content…
Look for one journal article that takes a qualitative approach. The article should be within the period of 2005-present and relevant or related to your discipline. 2. Identify the key concepts in the conceptual framework of the article and examine these according to: 2.1. How these are defined and operationalized in the research design and consistency of their use throughout the study; 2.2. Whether the concepts have properties or qualities other than what have been presented in the study. 3. Discuss and critique the justification for the methodological approach of the study. ANSWERS: 2. The key concepts on the journal are the following: * Civic education * Political…show more content…
The researchers tabulated some examples that was called indicate how the analysis of in-class events proceeds with regard to identifying a political perspective during a lesson. Lesson analysis reveals that sequences comprising a “political perspective” can clearly be identified during the course of a lesson. Also, a political perspective is observable in various forms, which in turn raises epistemological and practical questions. Lesson analysis reveals that the so-called “political perspective” becomes predominantly apparent in descriptions and assignments, which serve to familiarize and assembly a lesson, just as much as queries and answers, though, which allow one to conclude a precise problem. The researchers stated some examples of how the analysis in-class events proceed with regard to identifying a political perspective during

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