Immersive Simulation Analysis

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Introduction: Technology has drastically evolved over the years to become one of the most used tools in today's world of education. And, with the evolution of technology, educational capabilities are growing and changing every day especially in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) specialties which are rapidly developing. In this article, researchers present a new form of technology-enhanced learning called: Immersive simulation. This technology is based on collaborative inquiry and knowledge communities and follows the constructivist learning strategy. It provides the students with opportunities to improve their skills efficiently by groups and to create a culture of inquiry. But some limitations underlie this strategy because…show more content…
During all the time of the experience, the classroom’s teacher is able to control the different elements in the EvoRoom via its tablet computer. The axis of work follows these steps: First, a general introduction of the activity and an explanation of the historical context. Second, asking students to record their observations about various species within the EvoRoom and enter these observations from their tablet computers to be automatically represented at the interactive whiteboard in real time as they enter it. The interactive whiteboards show the changes in sea level that broke Sundaland into islands like Borneo and Sumatra. Then, one side of the room shows Borneo and the second side shows Sumatra. Third, classifying students into 2 groups, each group must observe both sides of the rooms and the record its observations. Fourth, both groups collect their observations and post them at the interactive whiteboard. Finally, the classroom’s teacher uses the display of observations to draw out a conclusion concerning the result and the impact of the…show more content…
Second, the teacher moves the room from 2 million years ago to present day throwing an animation sequence. Third, Students observe at the present day the Borneo rainforest on one side of the room and the Sumatran rainforest on the other side and they take notes about their assigned organisms on both sides. Fourth, from the previous steps and the cladogram created on day 1, students identify the evolutionary mechanisms of the species involved. Then, the students make a discussion and draw out a conclusion concerning the evolution of species involved. Finally, as homework, the students write a reflection of their experience in the

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