Problem Analysis Observation

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To evaluate how to best help SESAMM at home and school, baseline data was collected to establish his current functioning in the classroom and permeant records will be examined such as grades, benchmark screening, and office referrals. This will be collected at the end of each grading quarter. Initially, SESAMM was observed in Language Arts class for at least thirty minutes. A structured observation was utilized using a five-second interval recording of SESAMM’s on task, scanning/daydreaming, restless movement, and distracting behaviors. His behavior was compared to a control group within the classroom. A tally mark was given every five-seconds per each minute to record behavior. This was done by alternating each minute between SESAMM and the…show more content…
SESAMM’s language arts teacher and parents were present. Results of the observations were shared as well as information on how he was performing in both the classroom and home setting. The data gathered from the teacher and parents were more of a qualitative method with antidotal responses. They viewed SESAMM’s behavior as improving since last year; however, they still saw a need for intervention to increase his attention to tasks and to offer support to prevent a return of some of the more serious negative behaviors. SESAMM’s goal was to increase his on-task behavior and decrease his scanning and daydreaming by 10 percent as compared to his classmates. SESAMM has been medically diagnosed with ADHD, and it is hard for him to monitor his impulsive and inattentive behaviors. Medication has enhanced his ability to conform to home and school expectations; however, he still struggles to stay on task. Both SESAMM’s mother and teachers agree an intervention to assist him in learning ways to self-monitor his own behaviors is needed. SESAMM’s parents were provided with information on ADHD and a copy of a handout with ideas on ways to assist SESAMM in the home…show more content…
The parent opted not to meet in a formal meeting at school. SESAMM’s teachers are beyond pleased with his progress and behaviors. The interventions have been shown to be successful for the student and they have been able to focus more on teaching him academic skills since his behavior has been better. His grades are good and his attendance has been excellent. SESAMM has not been referred to the office this school year and appears to be well adjusted. SESAMM’s mother indicated he has enjoyed going to school much more this year and they have been working at home to ensure he completes his homework. She is pleased with the teachers and their efforts in helping her son. She says there are still struggles at home but admits that sometimes it is easier to give in to his wants than to struggle with him. She says they are a work in

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