Alexander Hamilton Research Paper

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Nataly Mercado Mr.Saleeba English IV 12 March, 2018 Alexander Hamilton I believe that Alexander Hamilton was born a natural leader because of the many obstacles in life he had faced that had pushed him to be such a great and strong leader. Alexander Hamilton despite everything he had faced as a child has been one of the best leaders and founding fathers America has ever seen. Some of the obstacles that Alexander Hamilton had faced as a child that made him become who he is known for today were tragedy, adversity, and hardships. The tragedies that he faced as a child were abandonment, and the death of a parent. His father James Hamilton Sr. had abandoned Alexander’s mother Rachel Fawcett, and his brother James Hamilton Jr., and Alexander…show more content…
Alexander Hamilton despite everything he had faced as a child has been one of the best leaders and founding fathers America has ever seen. Some of the obstacles that Alexander Hamilton had faced as a child that made him become who he is known for today were tragedy, adversity, and hardships. The tragedies that he faced as a child were abandonment, and the death of a parent. His father James Hamilton Sr. had abandoned Alexander’s mother Rachel Fawcett, and his brother James Hamilton Jr., and Alexander himself. When Alexander’s father abandoned the family Alexander was just a young boy. He then got a job to help make ends meet for his family. His mother Rachel would work endless days and nights to help support her family, which then lead to her early death at the age of 39 leaving her two sons with nothing at a very young age. Alexander and his brother were left with nothing but each other to survive life and strive to become who they wanted to be. Saying that, Alexander then started becoming the man he is known for today by facing many adversities and hardships to become one of the best leaders and founding fathers of…show more content…
One of the adversities that he was most famous for overcoming was he wasn’t well educated. Compared to our other founding fathers Hamilton was one of the least educated people school wise. Since the early death of his mother and the abandonment of his father Hamilton didn’t have time for school it was all about work. Hamilton was a very poor boy who wasn’t born into the rich and wealthy life like many of our other founding fathers, so getting an education wasn’t on his list. However he did go to Kings College down in New York which was later on renamed as Colombia University. Hamilton might not have finished college but he was a quick learner and learned many stuff through some hands-on experience and he also learned some politics (Hamilton loved politics and how it worked so George Washington gave him an opportunity of a lifetime and Hamilton became the first United States Secretary of the Treasury on September 11, 1789. This however wasn’t until many years

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