Cinderella Research Paper

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All two versions of the Cinderella stories are similar and different. They have different and similar cultures too, but they all relate together also. The french and regular version of cinderella are two main stories I found interesting and have more things similar and different in there. First, in both versions there were many similarities, more than differences. CInderella had a stepmother and two stepsisters that mistreated her. The only person who is really there for her was her fairy godmother. She went to the ball and looked beautiful, danced with the prince, but when the clock struck 12 cinderella had to leave. ON her way out, she left a slipper on the stairs. They had carriages, coachmen, and horses also. The next day the harold came by with the slipper from the, to try it on and when cinderella tried it on it was her perfect size. She pulled out the other slipper, went to the palace and her and the prince got married immediately. Then, in the french version of two Cinderella, it was a little different from the regular version. In this one, she had her dad but she was just blinded by his new wife. When Cinderella went to the first ball, nobody recognized her. They had two…show more content…
She didn't have a dad because he died. They only had one ball two attached to but Cinderella couldn't go out first because she didn't have anything to wear. Cinderella’s fairy godmother gave her a dress, carriage, coachman, and horse for the ball. She went and came back home at 12. The Harold came the next day with the slipper to see who the lady the prince danced with was. When Cinderella went back upstairs her stepmother locked her up so she couldn't try on the slipper. Luckily for her, the mice snuck and got the key out her pocket. They unlocked the door for her and she came downstairs to try on the slipper. It fit of course, so the Harold took her back to the palace to marry the

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