Bilingualism In Bilingual Language

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All experiences leave their mark - they change how we respond to a similar situation in the future, create knowledge or expertise in particular areas, a change we usually call "learning," and as it is increasingly becoming apparent, change our brains. It follows, then, that experience has great potential for explaining the way that basic cognitive abilities develop, function, and change throughout the life span. In the vast majority of cases, individuals become bilingual through life circumstances (Bialystok, 2011). By definition, a dual language learner (DLL) is someone who is acquiring two or more languages simultaneously, and learning a second language while continuing to develop his or her first language (U. S. Department of Health and…show more content…
The main empirical finding for the effect of bilingualism on cognition is in the evidence for enhanced executive control in bilingual speakers (Bialystok, Craik, Green, & Gollan, 2009). These effects have been found at all stages across the life span. It is postulated that the executive control system, associated with such behaviors as planning, initiation of activity, mental flexibility and self-monitoring, is the cognitive mechanism that influences linguistic processing in bilingual children (Bialystok, 2011). Bilingual advantages have been reported across a variety of domains, for example, creativity (Kessler & Quinn, 1987), problem solving (Kessler & Quinn, 1980), and perceptual dis embedding (Duncan & De Avila,…show more content…
Thus, a child who is learning two languages may need to negotiate between two competing sets of cultural expectations that have distinctive goals for behavior relevant to social-emotional development (Halle, 2014). The development of social and emotional of the child's includes several key components as societal, community, and family contexts; early care and education contexts; and child characteristics which are required for the understanding of the whole picture. I reviewed few of them; in a study linking the quality of the attachment relationship to later English and Spanish oral language skills, Findings suggest that children's relationships with parents and teachers significantly contribute to their bilingual skills. Higher quality teacher-child relationships were associated with higher of language skills over and above quality parental attachment (Oades-Sese and Li, 2011; Luchtel, Hughes, Luze, Bruna, & Peterson, 2010). Given the extant literature suggesting the importance of peer relationships for children's positive development (Downer & Pianta, 2006), surprisingly little is known about the quality of peer relationships of DLLs (Halle, 2014). What little research there is suggests that the quality of peer relationships maybe affected by a child's dual language learner status. For example, some dual language learners

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