Pros And Cons Of Bilingualism In Canada

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Canada is a bilingual country. The reason why Canada is officially bilingual originated from what countries colonized them ( See, 2011 ). Quebec was a French colony and the other areas of Canada used to be English. A few centuries ago, however, Canada was united when English troops defeated France. Aspect of British society, like religion and education, replaced their customs. The threat of extinction seems to have a stimulated the preservation of their mother tongue. It caused many military and cultural movements. Although there were so many historical incidents, the fact that they speak their original language has still remained. Some people who live in Quebec are francophones and others are anglophones. Canada history explains why bilingualism when two languages are used in the same country are official languages. But bilingualism has been debated in recent years. The opponents of it have a doubt whether it has a future in Canada; however, English-French bilingualism has a lot of advantages and this status should not be changed.…show more content…
Every single year, approximately "1.5 million" attend in the basic course to learn French, and "338,000" students in Canada are taking French immersion programs (Baluja & Bradshaw, June 22, 2012). Also enrolment has steadily increased and the number of bilingual rose from 5,231.6 (thousands) to 5,795.6 between 2001 and 2011 (Lepage & Corbeil, May, 2013). Speaking both official languages fluently is regarded as one of the best ways to succeed in global business by not only many parents, but also 84% of Canadians (Baluja & Bradshaw, June 22,

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