Bilingualism In Canada Essay

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Bilingualism is a capacity to speak and write in two languages. In Canada, there are two official languages and English and French. Historically, France conquered Eastern Canada which includes Quebec until 1763. Although England dominated Canada after 1763, Quebeckers have been speaking French since the middle of the 16 century. In reality, Quebeckers tried to be independent of Canada because few people spoke English in Quebec. On the other hand, when the Official Language Act, which is an act that legislates bilingualism, was passed, the movement of independence became quiet. Instead of this act, Canada decided to become an officially bilingual country (See, 2011). Despite the challenges, remaining bilingual should be accepted in order to unite all people and cities in Canada. And, it must be necessary that Canadian, both Francophones and Anglophones, learn two official languages and continue to speak and write in two…show more content…
Although bilingualism has stagnated, it is clear that bilingualism has gained ground more than it has stagnated for 50 years, especially Quebec. And, the fall of the French immersion has been a concern, however, it has the rising number of the schools and students who are taking this program to suggest there is demand. Furthermore, the acceptance of multilingualism, not French, is not necessary for the job because French is an imposition of Canadian economy (Baluja & Bradshaw, 2012; Dion, 2013). There are few bilingual countries in the world. Canada is one of the bilingual countries. If bilingualism were abandoned in Canada, the value of the country would be evaporated. Even though Canadian official languages is a few worries as it can be seen from the above results, Canadian should be concern more about their country and each other. And the increase of Allophones must help Canadian society and economy. They can be a way of keeping these precious languages forever in

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