Bilingualism In Canada

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UCPP Andriana Sviderska Michelle King 10/01/2015 Bilingualism The ability to speak or write in two languages is bilingualism. In Canada bilingualism means a facility to communicate in two official languages, English and French. French became second language in Canada historically because of the big number of French speaking population. The Federal government authorised it to resolve the problem of coexistence of two different languages and cultures. People have adapted to live in a bilingual society. The quality of French speakers’ lives significantly improved since enacting The Official Languages Act in 1969. During the second part of the 20th century Canadian provinces have been implementing French as an official language, giving English…show more content…
Many people marry outside their cultures. (Dion, May 1, 2013, p. 6) It is true that older generations still remember their roots and traditions, therefore they still speak French. However, younger generations hear English more often than French. Among young people English is more popular, because it is more common in today’s modern world. Moreover, in Quebec the percentage of francophones who speak French at home decreased from 62.4 per cent in 2001 to 56.5 per cent in 2011. Even though in some Canadian provinces, like Quebec, people speak English fluently, in most of them people use English. (p. 6) French speakers may not be understood…show more content…
The path to the target of equal rights, was difficult. However, despite all past struggles, Canada remains and should remain bilingual in the future. It has to be controlled by the government. They should make French immersion schools public and available for anyone who wants to speak both official languages, but does not have opportunity to pay for French classes. Even parents who do not speak French, want their children to learn French. If people had access to free classes they would be more willing to learn French and the number of French speakers would

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