Benefits Of Flour

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Introduction Flour is a commonly used product for making bread and cakes created by the strong fragmentation of cereal grains or other plants. The whiter the flour, the more fragile it is baked breads, but also less in the minerals and fiber. Flour can be made from different types of cereal grains, seeds or roots. It’s the main ingredient of bread, which is a steple food for many cultures and nationalities. Flour is one of the most important ingredients in Oceanic, Europe, North America, Middle East, India and North African cultures, and is defining ingredient in most of their styles of breads and cakes. 1. Etymology The English word for "flour" is originally a variant of the word "flower". Both derive from the Old French fleur or flour,…show more content…
• In the 1940s, mills started to enrich flour and folic acid was added to the list in the 1990s Types of flour • Wheat Flour- Many varieties of wheat are grown and miller will blend different varieties to make different types of wheat flour. Is the only common grain with good amount of gluten forming proteins. That what makes wheat the most popular grain for baked goods nearly all around of the world. • Rye Flour – Rye is a grass which is tolerating a poor soil and older climate, such as Russia, Eastern Europe and Scandinavia, where the wheat cultivation is much more difficult. Bread made of rye flour tends to be more dens and have strong flavor and a little bit gummy texture (because of high pentosan gum content) • Corn Flour- Maize most of the times is sold as a ground cornmeal but its also available as a coarser grit or fine flour. The size of the flour (the type) affects the quality of baking goods. • Oat Flour- is most commonly used to make cookies, streusel toppings, muffins and breads. Oat flour is gluten-free, making it a popular choice for all dieters who prefer to avoid…show more content…
It can be usually be found as white or whole grain flour. It is high in fiber and proteins, and its more easily digested than wheat, so is suitable for the wheat intolerant. • Self-raising flour- has had bakung powder added to it. Its commonly used in cake making • Kamut/ Khorasan Flour- Khorasan is another ancient grain, known as Egyptian wheat. It is high in protein and tends to be suitable for the wheat intolerant. • All purpose flour- All-purpose flour, or white flour, is the most commonly used type of flour. This variety of flour is made from a blend of soft and hard wheat, and can be used in any number of baked food products. This type of flour is a source of several B vitamins (thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, and folic acid) as well as iron. Most of the times this type of flour is enriched, it means that some of the minerals are added to the flour because some of them were removed during the milling process. • Teff- another example of an ancient grain which is grown in Ethiopia for a thousands of years and its still the most plentiful cereal grain grown in this country. Teff grains are probably the smallest of any cereal grain. They are traditionally ground into flour, fermented, and made in to mildly spongy pancake called

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