Faba Bean Case Study

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Faba bean known botanically as Vicia faba L. is an annual legume and one of the most important crops extensively grown for food and feed (Duc 1997; Crépon et al. 2010). It is also able to grow in various climatic zones even without fertilizers. Faba bean has high protein content, approximately 25 ~ 35% of the seed dry matter and is a rich source of lysine (Singh et al. 2013; Calabrò et al. 2014). In addition, it contains other main nutrients, such as carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds and also provides potential health benefits. Global population growth and probably less and limited access to animal proteins as well as newly increased demands of consumers for nutrient-rich foods are the strongest challenges to…show more content…
Sourdough fermentation is a process in which flour and water are mixed and fermented spontaneously by LAB and yeasts, which are responsible for the dough leavening and its acidification after several refreshments (Ercolini et al. 2013). Spontaneous fermentation through backslopping is one type of the sourdough fermentation in which natural bacteria already present in food are allowed to start the fermentation process. Backslopping is a procedure, in which the prepared sourdough from the previous day is used as the starter (Leroy and De Vuyst 2004). The quality of grains has a great influence on sourdough processing. Faba bean with beneficial nutritional and functional properties could be a promising substrate for sourdough. Different sourdough ecosystems have their own associated microbiota, mainly depending on the type of the flour and technological parameters (Ercolini et al. 2013). LAB are regarded as the main microorganisms responsible for sourdough

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