Literature Project On Biscuit

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Chapter | 1 INTRODUCTION Biscuit is India’s largest industry amongst food industries, with an estimated production of 70,000 tones and cost of three thousand billions dollar. Biscuit along with bread forms major baked food accounting to over 30% and 50% respectively of total bakery products produced in the country. The bakery product produced in organized sector is well recognized as compared to organized sector products which are packed in sophisticated packaging. Biscuit is a diverse group bakery product ranging from varieties in sugar more or less combination, high and low in fat. Wide varieties are available of biscuit such as shape, size, text and texture. These varieties…show more content…
Finger millet have different varieties with yellow, white, tan, red, brown or violet color are available; however, only the red-colored ones are commonly cultivated worldwide. The pericarp (the outer most covering of the millet) is of little nutritional significance. Multilayered (five layered) are present in the seed coat or the testa, which is unique compared to other millets such as Sorghum, Pearl millet, Proso millet, and Foxtail millet (FAO,1995) and may this could be one of the possible reasons for the higher dietry fiber content in finger millet. The seed coat is tightly bound to the aleurone layer (a layer between the seed coat and endosperm) and the starchy endosperm, which is further divided into corneous and floury regions. The corneous endosperm has highly organized starch granules within the cell walls and the floury endosperm has loosely packed starch granules (McDonough,et.al1986). The sizes of the finger millet starch granule ranges from 3 to 21 µm, starch granules in different regions of the kernel greatly vary compared to pearl and proso millets (Serna-Saldiver…show more content…
Finger millet grown on marginal land provides a valuable resource in times of famine. Its grain tastes good and is nutritionally rich (compared to cassava, plantain, polished rice and maize meal) as it contains high levels of calcium, iron and manganese. It has a carbohydrate content of 81.5%, protein 7.3%, crude fiber 4.3% and mineral 2.7% that is comparable to other cereals and millets. Its crude fiber and mineral content is markedly higher than wheat (1.2% fiber, 1.5% minerals) and rice (0.2% fiber, 0.6% minerals); its protein is relatively better balanced; it contains more lysine, threonine and valine than other millets. The millet straw is also an important livestock feed, building material and fuel. Finger millet contains methionine, an essential amino acid Review of Literature Page 16 lacking in the diets of hundreds of millions of the poor who rely mostly on starchy staples (Apoorva et al 2010; Ravindran

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