Behavioral Management Case Study

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Behavioral management is the study and application of behavioral principles to individuals and groups in a specific business or industry, which subsequently make the managers capable of describing, understanding, predicting, and controlling human behavior. Early application of behavioral management mainly focused on small-scale organization problems like improving attendance of employees (Kempen & Hall, 1977). A noteworthy application of behavioral management occurred at Emery Air Freight during 1960s. Edward J. Feeney, a sales manager from Emery Air Freight, attended a workshop at the University of Michigan on behavioral management. Based on his knowledge from the workshop he designed a sales training for his company, which resulted in large…show more content…
Different stimuli like the presence or absence of certain people, working conditions, arrangement of work materials, the concurrence and frequency of feedback, effects of monetary and nonmonetary incentives etc. (Wilder & David, 2009). Based on their findings they develop an effective model for their organization. There are two theories based on the analysis of organizational behavior, they are Douglas McGregor’s Theory X, and Theory Y. Theory X assumes that the employees dislike work, lazy, responsibilities and lack motivation. On the other hand, theory Y assumes that employees like work, creative, like responsibility and they are…show more content…
Because a behavioral approach to organizational change places more emphasis on consequences than on previous circumstances, there is a misconception that training is not a focus of behavioral management interventions (Perlow, 2001). Although contingencies are vital for performance change, a significant portion of designing effective and efficient training interventions involves arranging the appropriate contingencies for participating in and valuing training programs. OBM research in the area of training and development has evaluated the effectiveness of training in terms of its impact on behavior change, the relative effectiveness of different training programs, and the organizational context that best supports training effectiveness (Perlow, 2001). In terms of training context, Perlow maintained that focusing on specific behaviors is vital for effectiveness. In addition, before implementing a training program, one must determine whether the problem is a skill issue or a motivational issue. If the problem is due to motivation, then training skills will be ineffective (Mager & Pipe, 1997). In addition, the organization needs to support training initiatives; if employees believe that the organization is supportive of training, then training will be more

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