Taste In Aesthetics Essay

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Evaluate the role of taste in aesthetics. While talking about the art and aesthetics, one of the biggest dilemma which everyone encounters is the choosing a proper approach for formulating aesthetic statements. The classic, and probably most well-known, approach is referring to beauty as the key feature of aesthetics. However, there is a problem with treating beauty as a theoretical term which may be used for an evidence-based discussion. This is the reason why the term taste is a common trope when talking about the intellectual judgment of an object’s aesthetic merit. There are different approaches to aesthetic taste; however, they all share the importance of feelings in the formation of aesthetic language. What what clearly shows the nature…show more content…
When one tries to make a judgement basing on taste (like basing on other senses) there always comes the question about the evidence. Let us imagine two people standing in front of the same painting. When they first see it, they formulate a judgement basing on their tastes. It can be said that their tastes — being a sense — could have been mistaken and that they had not noticed neither the same nor all existing details of the painting. Now, let us suppose that they spend all the time they need to describe and discuss the paining between each other. Now they agree that they see nearly the same thing but it is not hard to suppose that their judgments may still differ substantially which cannot be supported by any sufficient evidence. Subsequently, the problem which directly results form the previous one is the problem with simply determination of whether what someone states about an aesthetic matter is true or false. For a statement to be true or false we have to know the exact conditions which makes it possible to decide. In regard to aesthetic statement — especially the ones in which taste plays a detrimental role — it is nearly impossible to establish such conditions. Therefore, claims made basing on the aesthetic taste usually cannot be neither supported by adequate evidence nor determined whether are true or false which may make them, in some people’s opinions, linguistically insufficient for describing art and
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