Hard Model Of Human Resource Management

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According to Agarwala (2003), there are many landscape changes that has been taken place under the human resource management. It is due to the globalization and the development of the technology. Human resource management is very important to practice in organizations. The management of the employees to improve the efficiency of work and the effectiveness of the work are result of the human resource management practices. At the beginning for the management of people personal management theories were applied. However, it was difficult to apply the theory for a group of people. Therefore, it had to change into collective of people. Then it started the management of group of human resource. In present organizations also, it can identify the issues…show more content…
They are the soft model and hard model. Most of the organizations are said to be applying soft model. However, the actual scenario of the organizations is the application of hard model of HRM. Under the hard model of the HRM it considers the goals and objectives of the organization. Most of the organizations are dealing with the financial goals and marketing goals. Therefore, the organizations are struggling to reach those goals and objectives. In order to reach the goals and objectives, organizations always require having better skills of employees. However, no motivation is taking place under the hard model of HRM. Damanpour et al (2001) stated that the language using by the hard model of HRM is a tough language. The rules and regulations of the organization is also tough. When consider about the soft model of HRM the practices are different than hard model of HRM. Under the soft model of HRM, the employees of the organization are considered as the most asset of the organization. Therefore, the employees are motivated to obtain the maximum output and maximum contribution towards the development of the…show more content…
There are ten main leadership styles which can be identified in the context of an organization. They are the bureaucratic leadership, delegative leadership, directive leadership, people-oriented leadership, charismatic leadership, servant leadership, transactional leadership, task – oriented leadership and transformational leadership. These leadership styles are changing from one to another. Most of the organizations are facing the issues due to not applying the right leadership style to the right situation. For an example directive leadership style should not match for a group task. According to Chew, (2000), directive leadership is making the decisions independently. It is not matching for a group task. Participative leadership should apply in the group to guide the group members and obtain the input from all team members. Most of the organizations are failing due to the application of the wrong leadership style to different situations in the organizations. Most recognized leadership style for an organization is the transformational leadership style. Through the transformational leadership style, the employees of the organization are motivated to complete their tasks and meet the objectives of the

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