Procrastination And Resilience

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Very few studies discuss the existence and nature of active procrastination and resilience among university athletes. Exploring the construct of active procrastination is an apparent deviation from the common conception that procrastination is harmful. This brought about on investigating the notion of resilience among athletes as a current field of inquiry. Resilience pertaining to traits of an individual showing resistance and strength to be able to thrive in difficult conditions is a new area being researched, since there are few amount of research contemplated linking it with sport. Sport is another broad concept which implies interaction, competition, stress, motivation, being caught in a tough situation, and empathy. Investigating the…show more content…
The theoretical grounds of procrastination are not well established due to a lack of an explicit, testable theory (Schraw et al., 2007). However, a massive amount of research regards procrastination as an unproductive handicapping behavior that resulted to inferior performance and high levels of stress (Ferrari, 2001; Flett et al., 2012; and Tice and Baumeister, 1997). Moreover, existing literatures have pigeonholed procrastination as either active or passive. Passive procrastination is the traditional type of procrastination. People who procrastinate passively put off their task because they are incapacitated to act on a decision in a timely fashion (Seo, 2012). “Passive” procrastinators do not procrastinate intentionally; they often result to delaying because of their failure to make fast and better decisions. Affectively, an impending deadline eventually triggers passive procrastinators to feel distressed, therefore producing pessimistic beliefs regarding their capacity to complete certain…show more content…
Chu and Choi (2005) have suggested that active procrastinators have desirable attitudinal and behavioral traits. The results of their investigation were remarkably provocative for while active procrastinators reported almost the same level of procrastination as did the passive counterparts, they exhibited time awareness, coping styles, attitudes, and academic performance that were closely indistinguishable to and in several cases even better than non-procrastinators. People who engage in active procrastination are characterized by the following four characteristics: time pressure preference, intentional decision to procrastinate, ability to comply with deadlines, and satisfaction with outcome. These characteristics meaningfully differentiate an active procrastinator form a passive or traditional one. Folkman and Lazarus (1980) have concluded that though most stressors elicit a combination of coping styles and task-oriented strategies prevail when people feel that they can do something productive with regard to the situation. Active procrastinators are proactive in stressful situations and focus is directed towards finding the solutions and making decisions to the present problem. Choi and Moran (2009) have expounded more on the theoretical foundations of the four major characteristics of active procrastination. They

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