Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Case Study

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Introduction Case conceptualization refers to the process in which we make sense of a client's presenting concerns in the context of a theoretical framework. In other words, it refers to how we explain or understand the client's symptoms, personality characteristics, cognitions, feelings, and behaviors in light of a particular theory or integration of theories. “According to Sperry and Sperry (2012), case conceptualization can best be defined as “a method and clinical strategy for obtaining and organizing information about a client, understanding and explaining the client’s situation and maladaptive patterns, guiding and focusing treatments, anticipating challenges, and roadblocks, and preparing for a successful termination”. Such understanding…show more content…
Ellis’ rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) was one of the first cognitive therapies created and is still a widely used and effective approach today (Corey, 2009). REBT therapy is based on the assumption that people contribute to their own psychological problems by the way they interpret events in their lives (Corey,…show more content…
“Emotive-evocative therapy employs role-play, psychodrama and humor” (Engler, 2009). This method would allow Christine to drill her new ways of thinking and behaving in her surrounding environment. This also could be applied in all her areas in concern by working on her relationship, job maintenance, handling people and her future planning. Counselor can then explore how Christine sees herself in that situations and allow Christine to envision how if Christine could have perceive it in a far more rational thoughts which will influence her future behaviors. By practicing this, Christine would allow herself to experience her feelings which are connected to how she ideally perceives herself. This parting of thinking and behaviors would allow Christine to seek a better way of handling her negative thoughts over the time. Also practicing shame- provoking would enable Christine to find out her ways of associating people around her which is not that

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