Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Model Essay

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In emergent crisis, cognitive behavioral therapies play a critical role in diagnosis, intervention, and coping with the emergency. Cognitive behavioral therapies are based on the action of the therapist and the client, where they agree and set goals of the therapeutic relationship and collaboration, examine them together, and restructure the process in a manner that he client is able to better regulate negative emotions and demonstrate goal congruent behavior. Central to the Cognitive behavioral therapy is the A-B-C model, originally outlined by Ellis (1955) and expanded upon by Beck (1963) where A refers to Activating Event, B refers to Belief system, and C signifies the emotional and behavioral consequences that are typically the foci of the intervention (Ellis and Abrams, 125). This model emphasize that most clients will begin treatment with a strong bias that favors an A-C connection i.e., that feeling badly and behaving ineffectually are caused by environmental events. The task of the…show more content…
X (not her real name) is frustrated by her husband’s recent actions. The husband has increasingly become abusive to her and her stepchildren in the past few months. Mrs. X is unable to cope with these behaviors and therefore seeks an immediate solution to the problem. The first step in creating an A-C connection with the client is establishing a rapport with the client. Researchers argue that the more the client begins to feel the rapport, trust, and openness follow, allowing the interview to proceed. I will therefore utilize skills that foster the client to feel that they are understood and feel that their views are respected. These skills include active listening, paraphrasing, reflection, and open ended question. Such questions create a sense of safety and trust that encourage client to discuss their problems freely and openly. My aim is to develop a strong relationship with the client rather quickly to ensure that the client accepts the my suggestion and

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