Performance Management System Analysis

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A Performance management system comprises of people and process elements interacting (BroadBent & Laughlin, 2009). Elements that compose the process include job descriptions, rating standards, time period of performance assessment, and systems guiding reward and recognition. Key people in the system include the manager, who drives the system by setting the expectations, proactively communicating plans, inspiring development and getting and giving feedback. The employee is the other key person in the process; his capabilities and performance are measured by the performance management system (Aguinis, 2013). An effective system begins with a goal-setting process, followed on with regular feedback and appraisals. The system identifies employees'…show more content…
Collectively, these actions make up the organizations strategic plan. Strategic plans require at-least one year to complete and require all company levels involvement. It is the responsibility of top management to create the strategy for the larger organization. Middle and lower management follow by adopting the goals and plans to be used in fulfilling the overall organizational strategy. Organizational strategies rise from the company’s mission. The mission explains the reason why the organization is in business and all the companies’ activity should align with the mission. For example, McDonald's mission statement “is to be our customers' favorite place and way to eat and drink.” An organization can specify its key values that will enable it to achieve its mission; McDonald’s value that touch on its employees is “We are committed to our people,” (McDonald's,…show more content…
Stage one is the planning stage, where the employee and the manager are involved in planning the expected performance of the employee. To start off, the employee and manager evaluate the stated employee job description; this is done to determine if it accurately reflects the employee’s job. Sometimes new responsibilities may have a significant impact on the Job description. The review highlights the link between the employee’s job to the overall organization’s goals and objectives. Using the links, the manager and employee can project the deliverables or expected results for the particular job description, as well as measurable indicators of performance. The employee can at the same time identify training objectives to perform the set job better or career development opportunities that can be furthered under the job

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