Servant Leadership Skills

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I. Listening In general, people want to have the opportunity to be heard with respect, and so, that is the first reason why a servant-leader gets the truly consideration from their subordinates. These leaders have the ability to listen carefully to employees’ thoughts, ideas and even difficulties without being judgmental, in order to find the best solutions to achieve goals in a way that satisfies everyone. II. Empathy Servant-leaders must understand their team’s personal values, difficulties and competence in order to contribute to the growth of all, therefore, empathy is a crucial principle of emotional intelligence as it is humanity’s basic emotional ability and moral development. Considering that it’s a very powerful communication skill…show more content…
These leaders must have the ability of ‘heal’ their followers by giving emotional support for people that have been through some sort of trauma in the past, or that is going through bad experiences in the present. Servers believes that every person has an intrinsic value thus, it’s their responsibility to cherish for other’s wellbeing and do everything they can to encourage employees to grow in personal, professional, and spiritual way. IV. Awareness Citing a passage from the book of Robert K. Greenleaf, Spears explains this concept: “Awareness is not a giver of solace–it is just the opposite. It is a disturber and an awakener. Able leaders are usually sharply awake and reasonably disturbed. They are not seekers after solace. They have their own inner serenity” (Greenleaf, 1970). General awareness and especially self-awareness about matter points it’s the consolidation of a conscious leader that is focused, connected and more present to everything around him. V. Persuasion This is the key element to distinguish a servant leader from an authoritarian leader. A servant leader relies on the power of persuasion to mobilize people for changes that are needed, instead of using the positional authority. They inspire and convince people in an empathetic way, and never coercing or creating…show more content…
They seek to make their great visions of the future into something solid and real and thus, maintain its ability to observe the situation from a broader perspective rather than let themselves be emerged by small problems or challenging situations that occur daily within an organization. VII. Foresight It is the intelligence to predict and live in the future in accordance with the lessons learned in the past, in such a way that will allow to make a precise calculation of the decision that should to be taken in prompt. VIII. Stewardship. As the focus of the servant leader is not only in the profit generated by the organization, but also in the wellbeing and development of employees; good faith, trust and commitment among the entire workforce is crucial. IX. Commitment to the growth of people. This leader can see potential far beyond the everyday functions performed by employees. Servant-leaders are able to capture people's feelings in order to consolidate an emotional guidance system. Since they believe that are hidden skill within every single person, they have a self-commitment to find the true employees’ potentiality and help them to develop
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