Argumentative: An Argumentative Strategies

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Introduction Argumentative essay is one of the key text-types included in the English curriculum in Hong Kong. Students in Hong Kong first learn to write arguments in their first language in junior secondary and then move onto English argumentative essays in senior secondary. Many of them find it difficult to write an argumentative essay in English. Even in L1 context, writing an argument is a challenging task for a majority of students as they have difficulty in recognizing and applying argumentative text structures and supporting claims with relevant reasons (Newell et al., 2011). Whereas in L2 context, similar findings were reported that ESL students failed to present counterarguments and rebuttals in argumentative essay (Khodabandeh, 2014) and had inadequate understanding of the organization of texts (Kongpetch, 2006). This essay aims to explore the reason for this phenomenon and suggest possible solutions. What is an argumentative essay? In argumentative writing, the writer presents arguments to persuade and convince the readers to agree with a point of view (Chandrasegaran, 2008 and…show more content…
There are a few variations of the teaching and learning cycle, but the key purpose remains unchanged. It is to help students have control over and understanding to how authors construct the genre (Macken-Horarik, 1998). In the framework suggested by Rothery (1994), the teaching and learning cycle consists of three stages: Deconstruction, Joint Construction and Individual Construction. In each stage, building field and setting context is critical. Dreyfus and Macnaught (2013) points out that deconstruction focuses on the analysis and recognition of the structure and linguistic features of model texts; joint construction involves teacher-led collaborative writing in which they can ask questions and seek clarification. These two stages prepare learners for the individual construction

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