The Whistling Swan Summary

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On May of 1804, I was privileged to join Captain Meriwether Lewis, Captain William Clark and the Corps of Discovery on a fact finding mission. Our team was commissioned by Thomas Jefferson to find a and map a water route across North America from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, establish good relations with the Native Americans and announce that the territory is now under control of the our Government, and to collect info about the plants, animals and land along the route to the Pacific Ocean and back to St. Louis. Captain Lewis and I first observed the Whistling Swans from below the great narrows of the Columbia near the Chilluckkittequaw nation. Lewis journaled the animal and set the date to March of 1806. The Swans were elegant and seemed to flow with grace across the water. I've never seen an animal so delicate and beautiful in my entire life, as if the Swan was an angel itself. Lewis distinctly noticed and journaled every detail of the gorgeous creature. We had passed by other Swans on our journey through the Great Plains, but the Whistling Swan was much different. Lewis and I reported that the…show more content…
Sacagawea amazed me every step of the way, she brought many benefits to the expedition. Sacagawea was a resourceful traveler and Lewis and Clark spent a lot of time writing journal entries about how she introduced many native roots and fruits. Sacagawea was also seen as a guide, she could identify landmarks to help lead us through the unknown territory. Sacagawea was seen as a token of peace, if we didn't have her and Jean many native Americans may have been more hostile towards us. The valuable traits that Sacagawea had are endless, she was mentally and physically strong, no one could understand how she could carry a baby and lead the men. If it wasn't for Sacagawea, Lewis, Clark, the Corps of Discovery and I would've had a difficult time making peace with the

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