Apple Product: Why I Choose Apple Products?

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Why I choose Apple product? What are its interesting features? If I choose a product, I will surely select those that is reliable and proven and tested by millions of the consumers worldwide, in short I am one of those people who are always after with quality and durability. Apple smartphones is an epitomy for quality. Apple products are usually mob by Its customers because of its incredible IOS operating system and multi touch features. In addition, I think many people prefered to own an Apple brand than any brand available in the market today because of those interesting features. How profitable is Apple? In its first Quarter earnings, Apple Inc., able to bag US $18 billion dollar net income, according to business It able "to sold 74.4 million iphones, which is up 46% compared to the previous year, with its most profitable quarter in the history." SWOT Analysis I got my first apple product three years ago and it still works until now and I am still using it even in my studies, so I gues when it comes to "Strenght," durability and quality is its number one strenght. Another thing, everytime the company is launching a brandnew model of its productloyal customers are…show more content…
Iphone is the most prefered phone wordwide. According to the data presented by International Data Corporation in its website, it said that "the worldwide smartphone market grew 27.2% year over year in the second quarter of 2014 (2014Q3), just over a third of a billion shipments at 335 million units". In addition, according to an article published by Philippines, Apple smartphone is one of the "best selling consumer products of all time." In 2013 it "exceeded the 150 million mark " set by the company, according to the
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