Illusions Of Fantasy

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Illusions of freedom of expression concurred by fantasy Fantasy is a genre of fiction that indulges itself in the impossible and what might never exist. Fantasy includes things such as witchcraft and creatures that do not exist in this world, for examples goblins, trolls, monsters or dragons. Fantasy narratives are vastly diverse and can range from a setting of medieval times to another world or dimension in outer space. Often time fantasy as a genre allows the writer to imagine a place or time in the future, with a different landscape to what we would have ever have seen in present day reality. The beauty of fantasy is that, in most cases, the plot or story the author is trying to tell, is often inconceivable and would not be able to exist…show more content…
This has always been and always will be a huge part of literature. Fantasy fiction allows writers to write whatever tale that exists in the mind of the writer. This has to do with freedom of expression. Writers can write about the most gruesome tale with the most evil characters, and transform you into another world, or they can use a mild tale with the mildest of characters. Whatever the tale is, be it dragons, and goblins, or fairies and princesses, it allows people to differentiate between the real world and that of fantasy. Through this and through the freedom that writers have in fantasy fiction, there is always somewhere a moral to the tale, be it small or large, obvious, or the fact of reading between the…show more content…
This is one of the morals that society is built on, and pornographic text can corrupt some of the minds of individuals. It is to protect society from unwanted exposure of indecent material and to protect the writer of his credibility as a novelist. This law is also implemented to protect children from violent scenes and pornographic scenes that is written in text form. Discriminations against people, races, social classes etc., content of a pornographically explicit nature and violence against anyone is morally offensive to a society and alters the reality from right and wrong. This means that such a person can have impure thoughts and act upon those thoughts if the person has no moral gauge and not care about society. Such a book can endanger the morals of the public. Do we really want to live in a world where it is easier to be scared and defensive towards things that we don’t know, as to embracing the things that are new and thought provoking? Wouldn’t the world be a better place if we could believe in things like magic and fantasy and still have hope for a world that is dying
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