Ap English Essay

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Ap. English Essay Life is full of hardships and difficult decisions. As individuals we have to face the harsh reality that we are constantly faced with stressful situations and may even have to make a difficult choice. In fact, it is almost a daily task. The selections “Eveline” by James Joyce and “Everything Stuck to Him” by Raymond Carver are a perfect example of people’s everyday life. Although, there were many differences between the texts, the authors focus the theme of their stories on a strenuous decision. The impact of these decisions will stick with them forever, (as does most of our decision.) Joyce and Carver share a similar conflict between the characters’s individual will and the environmental…show more content…
Carver presented two young parents that are still children themselves. He makes the reader envision just how easy it is to have to put your life on hold in order to take care of your family. He especially shows the reader that the boy had to sacrifice a lot, due to the fact he is now a parent. Similarly, in “Eveline,” Joyce shows the audience a girl who has been through tremendous amounts of pain and hardships. From her father being violent to her mother’s death, Eveline has had to kind of grow up quick. Readers can easily make the inference that Eveline is not a selfish person and does in fact care deeply about her family. She even took on the role of being somewhat of a mother. Eveline, although Joyce makes her emotional feelings clear, still wonders if she could really leave her family behind. As Joyce wanted the reader to see, sometimes it is necessary to put our families well being before our own. The characters from both “Eveline” and “Everything Stuck to Him,” share a corresponding conflict that follows with the hardship of their environmental struggles and their individual will. Both selections are very unique. They represent a strong message, that family is the most important thing, no matter what the case may be. Carver and Joyce are such extremely gifted authors, that the world still looks up to these authors as not only motivation, but
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