Analysis Of My Writing

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I am not the most advanced writer, and I know I have a lot to work on but it did not occur to me that I was not strong and some might say not even adequate at speaking, reading, and writing until everything was revealed abruptly but instantaneously. I started to notice the differences in my technique when compared to others. I was substandard when compared and ashamed of my writing. I doubted my capabilities, and in a way I was right to because other students where good at writing and I was inferior to them. I took two AP English courses in high school and both of my teachers suggested that I take more time to practice my speaking, reading, and writing. They both agreed that I was neglecting my abilities in those subjects along with my capability…show more content…
There are various signs and signals that allow a person to understand what to take from a prompt but I am oblivious to them. For a while I did not know the four main type of essays: narrative essay, descriptive essay, expository essay, and persuasive essay. It was very difficult for me to notice the signs that a prompt would give that allowed someone to know which essay format to use. Having to analyze a passage was also a big struggle for me. It is tough for me to know what to look for and what exactly to pull out from the text. I have trouble understanding the prompts message and the point it is trying to get across. I discovered that the time I took trying to comprehend the text was redundant because no matter what I did I was not grasping the information. In a past experience I recalled my self-going off topic and found myself rambling on about a subject matter that was irrelevant to the subject at hand. It was either because I truly did not grasp the concept or did not know what exactly it was asking me to elaborate on. Plus when it comes down to writing out the subject matter, I found it was remarkable how I can get anything on paper at…show more content…
But I know what my problems areas are and I know I can fix them. The Information Technology Academy taught me how to speak and articulate my words vocally but I still have some learning to do with reading and writing. My skills in those subjects have evolved due to the experiences I have gained. My experiences have made me more aware of my issues with speaking, reading, and writing. I am still on the path to resolving my issues in those subjects and I believe I can move pass them. I do regret not getting help when needed and I should have seen my faults sooner but I know now. I can say that I need a major improvement with my speaking, reading, and writing skills but I also can say that I have tons of potential and know that I can reach my goal of being a good and maybe even exceptional writer someday. I have massive room for improvement and I will eventually be where I desire to be to further my future here at UC

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