Anxiety In My Life

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Anxiety has been part of my life. It began to take over my life when I reached my adolescent years. This anxiety is beyond shyness and stress that people normally feel, it became chronic to the point it makes me unable to function well. I never quite discussed it with other people, not even to my family, and it negatively affected how they perceive me. In this post, I’ll be sharing with you this extremely personal story of mine; the profound effects of anxiety in my life; signs and symptoms and how I’m conquering it. Hopefully, you’ll learn from this post and understand more about this issue. Feeling nervous in social settings. I’m trembling whenever I’m in a social situation that requires my full involvement or attention. There’s an intense…show more content…
Whenever I’m in a social situation, I ask God to remind me that He is my strength and He’s with me. He is the one who will enable me to do a certain thing. That his Spirit abides in me, teaches me all things and guides me into all truth. (John 16:13) Fill your mind with God’s word. Shift your mind to heavenly thoughts. Meditating his word will help me to calm myself. I store his word in my mind and heart so whenever anxiety attacks – his word is my sword. Trust God. Love People. I began to love people when I experience the overflowing love of God. When you love people, it doesn’t matter what they think of you, what matters most is how God sees them. Trusting God enables me to love his people. Remind your identity in Him. It’s so important to know who you are and your purpose in life. I become capable of enjoying life when God revealed the purpose of my life. I am a child of God, I’m Victorious and Blessed! Whom shall I fear? Honesty.God needs our honesty. I cry out to him. I tell him when fears and negative thoughts are knocking to beat me. God doesn’t require you to be strong when coming to Him, but He does require your honesty. Know His presence vanishes all fears. God healed me from depression and anxiety disorder. When I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I received power and become able to do the list
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