Advantages Of Group Decision Making

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Decision making is influenced by numerous aspects that fog the scholar’s view of underlying causalities. Moreover, making different decisions might influence the human welfare differently. In this essay, there are different theories and experiments which analyze data that have been set to better understand individual’s decision making and group decision making (Ashtiani, A. Z., 2017). Under the process of decision making, firstly taking into consideration the individual perspective of decision making. When individuals are given two options they tend to choose something which they have better knowledge about. For example, if they are given a solitary item and on the other hand a pair of items…show more content…
The first technique is brainstroming which means to discuss verbally in a session about different ideas without having the fear of embarrasing oneself and facing no criticizm. The main advantage about this is that there is no one to judge and no criticism to face so people talk freely, one important disadvantage is that since there is no limit to the type of ideas to be given, there is a lot of screening to be done to get the best quality idea among all of them. The next technique is brainwriting which sounds quite obvious by its name that is writing thoughts or ideas that come on mind. The main advantage is that, there are many more ideas than brainstorming. The disadvantage being the fact that many people don’t feel comfortable writing down their ideas and feel concious about it. The third technique is about ‘quality circles’ which means private group discussions by the employees themselves but let their supervisor take the final decision. Employee involvement is the main advantage because they get to work in their field of expertise while the disadvantage being that the supervisor takes the decision to approve/reject…show more content…
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