Advantages And Disadvantages Of Drying

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1. INTRODUCTION Drying is one amongst the strategies accustomed to preserve food merchandise for extended periods. The warmth from the sun in addition to the wind has been accustomed to dry food for preservation for several thousand years. Solar thermal technology may be a technology that's chop-chop gaining acceptance as an energy saving lives in agriculture application. It's most well-liked to alternative various sources of energy like the wind and sedimentary rock as a result of it's bumper, inexhaustible, and non-polluting characteristics. solar air heaters are straightforward devices to heat air by utilizing alternative energy and it's used in several applications requiring low to moderate temperatures below 80°C, like crop drying and area…show more content…
High costs and shortages of fossil fuels have multiplied the stress on victimization various renewable energy resources. Drying of agricultural merchandise victimization renewable energy like alternative energy is environmentally friendly and has less environmental impact. Different types are designed, developed and tested within the totally different regions of the tropics and semi-tropics. Within the natural convection solar air dryers, the flowing is established by buoyancy elicited flowing whereas in the forced convection solar dryers the flowing is provided by victimization fan operated either by electricity/solar module or fuel. Crop drying is that the most energy overwhelming method altogether processes on the farm. the aim of drying is to get rid of wetness from the agricultural manufacture so it may be processed safely and keep for multiplied periods of your time. Crops are dried before storage or, throughout storage, by forced circulation of air, to stop ignition by inhibiting fermentation. it's calculable that two-hundredths of the world's grain production are lost when harvest attributable to inefficient handling and poor implementation of

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