The Monsoon System

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INTRODUCTION TO MONSOON CLIMATE SYSTEM WHAT IS MONSOON? Monsoon is described as seasonal changes in precipitation associated with the asymmetric heating of land and sea and also atmospheric circulation. Basically, monsoon is defined as a seasonal reversing wind that is corresponding with change in precipitation. A monsoon brings a different kind of weather that associated with a seasonal shift in the prevailing wind direction. It almost always refers to the Asian monsoon, a large region extending from India to Southeast Asia where monsoon conditions prevail. A large high pressure zone over Asia always drives cool and persistent, dry air will southward towards the tropics during winter monsoon that provides the monsoon region with dry season.…show more content…
This happens during May and June each year. In the other hand, air from the relatively higher pressure air mass flows northward toward the low pressure over land from Indian and tropical western Pacific Ocean, that bring in torrential rains. The monsoon rains are important for summer crops and will affect the agriculture for late arrival of the monsoon. As example, in India, the widespread of torrential rains, severe thunderstorms, large hail and tornadoes can accompany the arrival of the summer monsoon. It happened when the dry northerly wind flows over India and change it direction. The warm humid air from the Indian Ocean flows southerly, gradually overspreading the Indian subcontinent. A cyclone, an Indian Ocean version of hurricane in the Indian Ocean can form and move ashore in association with the onset of the monsoon. These cyclones are so dangerous where it killed thousands of poor people who live in the low-lying areas along the eastern coast of India and Bangladesh. When more humid air and thunderstorms overspreads the region, it caused a weaker and much more localized monsoon occurs over the normally dry south-western in the late…show more content…
As the land temperature changes as the sun rises and sets, with the day-to-night changes, a normal sea breeze changes daily. Monsoon is not just any heavy rains that last for a long time, it changes seasonally. The figure compares seasonal shifts in the monsoon circulation. During summer, the land is warmer than the ocean at most of the time. This phenomena cause air to rise over the land, thus air will blow in from the ocean to fill the void left by the air that rose. The rising of air will lead to precipitation and cloud formation. The monsoon clouds can produce heavy rainfall for long periods of time as they are formed with full of moisture from the ocean. These heavy rains will last for months at a time because the land stays warmer than the ocean for the summer, associated the constant source of moisture of the ocean. A monsoon climate is marked by dry winters and wet summers. About a quarter of the globe experiences a monsoon climate. VERSIONS There are generally two versions of a tropical monsoon climate:  Less pronounced dry

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