Technology Is Changing The Way We Travel Essay

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How Technology is Changing the Way We Travel Kourtney Lipps Aurora University Author Note This paper was written for CSC-1010-02 Introduction to Computer Science, a course taught by Professor Vairaganthan. Abstract This paper gives several looks at how technology is changing the world of traveling. As technology advances more and more with each passing year, the concept of transportation is also changing along with it. In this paper several examples are given of the affect digitalization has on traveling. The first example given is that people are now able to partake in ride-sharing, allowing them to receive a ride from one place to another under short notice. The second example explained in the paper is how smart phone applications make planning a trip, such booking a flight, significantly easier than ever before. The third and final example…show more content…
There has never been a time where someone in the world is not going from one place to another. This necessity that all people possess would remain a difficult hurdle had it not been for the advancement of technology over time. Now more than ever, technology is changing the way people get to places, giving people a multitude of opportunities that could not have been possible eons in the past. According to Tamara Lohan, the co-founder and chief technology officer of the hotel company Mr. & Mrs. Smith, “Digitalization has given us choice in a big way. More people are traveling than ever before, and companies like Airbnb encourage younger people to explore sooner, and in a more cost-effective way” (Bearne). Technology is always giving people innovative ways to get to different places near and far, such as ride-sharing and travel applications, allowing people to experience more in their travels than ever before. With technology advancing further and further as each day goes by, people everywhere are given new and simpler ways to

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