A Perfect Future Research Paper

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Everyone has unique skills and talents, and that is what makes each one of us special. I believe it is important for one to discover his or her talents because it allows them to be reaching for their potential and be moving toward their purpose. People have skills in areas such as playing an instrument, playing sports, being artistic, acting, singing, and many more. People realize their talents at different stages in their lives. Talent is a gift and everyone has at least one thing they are really good at. When each of us brings our individual talents together, the world becomes a masterpiece of diversity. In the text, “A Perfect Future, it talked about how a young girl tried to turn her baby brother Corey into a child prodigy. She taught him most of the things she did, but Corey was different and didn’t like to do them, such as when his older sister tried teaching him chess, he would say that it’s boring and would go and play with his crayons. She would force Corey to go outside with her and play sports, thinking Corey would be a sports person, but Corey wouldn’t do anything, but go back and…show more content…
Jordan attended Emsley A. Laney High School in Wilmington, where he tried out for the varsity basketball team during his sophomore year, but due to his height being at 5’11, he was deemed too short to play. This failure motivated him to prove his talent and show that he can be a good baseball player. Throughout high school, Jordan became the star of Lainey’s junior varsity squad, where he tallied several forty point games and that following summer he grew four more inches and got a spot on the varsity roaster. Jordan was then recruited by numerous college basketball programs. Michael Jordan fulfilled his talent as a basketball player. This showcases that no one can stop one’s talent ability and how it’s important to keep
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