Environmental Benefits Of Recycling

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Throughout the changes in the industrial developments throughout the eighteenth century to the twenty-first century, human civilization and the standard of living has improved rapidly. Along with all these social changes, most countries among the world have been urbanized into developed countries, which includes the advanced technology and perfect policies in the political, economic, and environmental aspects. With the high-demanded of urban developments and the expanded population in modern society, more and more environmental issues have happened in recent years, such as air, water, and soil pollutions; solid waste saturation; and global warming. In the increased phenomenon of these problems, people have attached the importance of protecting…show more content…
Recycling is one of the most effective ways that people can participate and help lower the amount of solid wastes. Recycling refers to “the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products” (“Recycling Basics”, n.d.), and numerous benefits can be resulted in recycling. For example, reducing the primary wastes that are sent to the landfills, avoiding the pollutants from burning trash, and sustaining the natural resources for future generations. By using observational studies and secondary sources as the research methods in both Canada and Hong Kong, this paper will first introduce the current recycling situations in three education institutions among these two areas, including Burman University, Red Deer College, and Hong Kong Adventist College; then compare among each other with the advantages, problems, and effectiveness; and propose several suggestions for each recycling systems that can be applied in the…show more content…
Like Burman University, this college shares the small campus with the Hong Kong Adventist Academy (primary school). In Hong Kong Adventist College, four kinds of bins can be found in the public area, including garbage bins, waste paper recycling bins, plastic recycling bins, and metal recycling bins. Waste paper refers to all kinds of papers, newspapers, envelopes, and paper boxes; plastic means plastic bottles, plastic bags, and plastic CDs; and mental indicates to aluminum cans, and metal cooking pots. No bottle recycling bins are set inside the classrooms because the college has the policy that students cannot eat or drink inside, therefore, a small paper recycling bin is included in every classroom. From the observations, students and school members always recycle different things even they need to bring them to the recycling bins outside the building. Since the types of recycling bins have a little bit differences than those in Canada, the design is also altered – a square shape “door” is cut on top of the cover, people must push it every time they put any recycling items into the bins. Every recycling bin has a picture label with both Chinese and English wording as the guidelines for users. Inclusively, Hong Kong Adventist College has a well-developed recycling policy, students have a good habit on recycling, but some recycling bins are

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