A History Of The World In 101/1 Analysis

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Transformation of the Idea of History in A History of the World in 101/2 Chapters The usual understanding of history as a phenomenon is mostly abstract. Some people would define history as a consequence of dates when great battles took place and Monarchs finished their reigns with mysterious deaths. The history of the world is usually narrowed to numbers, names, toponyms and – what is significant – books. Not only textbooks on history, but literature itself represents history through words and pages. Sometimes this narrow of the concept is enhanced creating a strong stereotype of history. However, there are books that demolish this veil of abstraction around history and suggest a new and altered idea of it. For example, War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy or 11.22.63 by Stephen King had a massive effect on literature and people’s perception of history. Though there is one special book blowing one’s mind and suggesting a new interpretation of history. It is A History of the World in 101/2 Chapters by Julian Barnes.…show more content…
Just voices echoing in the dark”, wrote Julian Barnes. This quotation is likely to represent all the significance of the novel. In ten chapters with a Parenthesis Julian Barnes proves that history is not just a written chronicle, but it is an enormous complex of stories hidden behind the dates and the names. In general, this novel can be defined as a literary experiment including subversive play with genres, styles, chronology, choice of events and ideologic content. Through all these aspects Julian Barnes fractures the expectation of a reader and offers a postmodern view on the grand subject of

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