Ha Was In Vietnam Analysis

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When Ha was in Vietnam, she showed traits of being brave (Similar to other refugees), and caring. In Vietnamese tradition, a male must wake up extra early on Tet (The Vietnamese equivalent of New Years’) to bless the house with his luck. Ha decided to wake up even earlier than her brother, to bless the house instead. “Tap my big toe to the tile floor” (Thanhha Lai, pages 2-3) This quote shows How incredibly brave Ha is. By tapping the floor first, she goes against all of her family’s traditions because she is bitter that her brothers get to bless the family with their luck. Analogous with Ha, the Bosnian refugees also are very brave. One teenager named Emir, talked to Scholastic about life before the war, during the war, and afterward. While he was speaking about living during the war, Emir spoke about having to crawl around his apartment, to avoid getting shot.…show more content…
In Ha’s story, she was brave enough to go against her family traditions to get what she wanted. Emir went against all thoughts of giving up so he could live, getting what he wanted. Moreover, Ha is also very caring, because she has her very own papaya tree, that she grew by accident. “I love my papaya tree.” (Thanhha Lai, pages 6 and 7) This quote shows that Ha is incredibly caring because most people would not nurture some tree they grew by accident. Average people would cut it down, or just ignore it. Ha taking care of her accidental tree shows a high amount of caringness. In conclusion, these quotes show that Ha is brave, like other refugees, and caring. By contraries, Ha is nothing like this on her way away from

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