Population Growth In Ethiopia

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TFor most of human existence on earth, humanity’s numbers have been few. When people first started to cultivate food through agriculture some 12,000 years ago, the estimated world population was no more than 5 million. Two thousand years ago, world population had grown to nearly 250 million. Turning from absolute numbers to percentage growth rates, for almost the whole of human existence on earth until approximately 300 years ago, population grew at an annual rate not much greater than zero (0.002%, or 20 per million). Naturally, this overall rate was not steady; there were many ups and downs as a result of natural catastrophes and variations in growth rates among regions (Hauser 1971:13-25; Grauman 1977:1-9; Warren & David 1965:384; Kremer…show more content…
The age structure of the Ethiopian population has remained children and youth dominant for a long time now. The age dependency ratio in the 1984 census was 112%, it declined somewhat in the 1994 census to 95% and it declined a little to 91% in the 2007 census and 90.7 in 2012 (CSA 1991:67, 1999:101-109, 2013:18). The other significant demographic consequence of a youthful population is its fertility potential. The level of fertility, which is already very high, is further promoted by annual increases in the number of women entering the reproductive age group (15-49 years). Furthermore, as shown by the 1990 National Family and Fertility Survey findings (TFR = 6.7 children per woman) (CSA 1993:108-153) and the 2005 EDHS report (TFR = 5.2 children per woman) (CSA & ORC Macro 2006:41-49), the reduction in the TFR over the 15-year period in the country was not as anticipated. In particular, there was slight difference between the 2005 and 2011 TFR of the country (CSA & ICF International 2012:69-79). Fertility has been declining in all regions except Afar, Somali, Benshangul-Gumuz and Gambella. In Afar, Benshangul-Gumuz and Gambella, it remained more or less constant but in Somali Region, TFR increased from 5.7 children per woman in 2005 to 7.1 children per woman in 2011 (CSA & ICF International

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